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Two Trips

Two women were recently taking a trip: they were traveling to the same destination, but they took different paths. Both had good cars, and both were transporting loved ones with them. A couple of days ahead of their travels, the weather outlook appeared to be full of storms and wind. The woman moved to take the longer and more curvy route prayed and asked for her road to be cleared and for there to be no effects on her trip due to the storms. The woman taking the more populated route was not moved to ask God to shift the storm, but to ask God to protect her with wisdom and protection. Both women prayed for each other and asked God for mercy over their travels. This is how God answered those prayers:

The woman who traveled through the countryside found that despite the predictions of storms along her route and possible roads being flooded, her trip was clear. While there was lots of rain around her, the route stayed easy and dry. She did not have to deal with the storms that had loomed large just a few days before. Her trip was less stressful than she had expected, and she praised God for the safety and protection He showed her with her loved ones in the car.

The woman who traveled the quicker & less scenic route was compelled to drive straight through the storm for a large part of her journey. She spent part of the trip driving much slower than the posted rates of speed, but she stayed alert & her prayers for capability in dealing with the route & the other drivers were answered in her steering clear of any possible large puddles on the road & her avoidance of even a close call with any other drivers. Her praise was for God’s leading her directly through the storm but protecting her with her loved ones from any harm.

Both these drivers called on God; both traveled the routes they were led to travel. Both had other people at risk in their care. God answered both their prayers, and they each traveled safely in the Grace God provided for them. Should they have taken the same route? One appeared to be easier than the other before the trips happened. Why wouldn’t they both take what looked to be the easier path? The answer is they each traveled the road God placed before them, and He protected them and answered their calls with safety and protection.

What principles can you see at work here to apply to your life? God gives direction to anyone who asks for it (Matthew 7:7,8). Why do we assume that when others don’t go the direction we are being led, they are traveling the wrong path? As long as we are each obeying His Word (John 3:36, Acts 5:32, Romans 2:8, 6:16), He will be faithful to lead us in the ways we should go. When things don’t turn out the way we wished, is it only because we misunderstood His Leading or were disobedient? God is not a punitive God; He is out for our good so we can glorify Him in it all (Romans 8:28). Perhaps He leads us through storms rather than around them, to teach us specific lessons or show us His Provision in ways specific to us. While sharing stories of God’s protection and His provision always is a great tool of encouragement, we need to stop short of expecting everyone to travel exactly the same road He has us traveling and commit them to the grace God has for each of us. What great and different stories we will have to share at the other end of the journey!!

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