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~ Vision ~

Peachtree Prep is a tutorial program designed to assist homeschool families with 9th-12th grade students who desire to earn high school credits required for graduation.  Many courses, while definitely achievable at home, lend themselves to greater mastery when taught by professional teachers  in a group setting.  Peachtree Prep believes that in partnering with students and parents in this way, students can have a more engaging educational experience in high school and be better prepared for the transition into college courses.


Since the heart-beat of Peachtree Learning Center is the fine Arts, the first way we plan to partner with students and parents is by providing the opportunity to earn Fine Arts Elective Credits.  Secondly, it is our pleasure to offer core-subjects required for high school graduation.


Our partnership with parents

Peachtree Prep is designed to partner with parents who are the primary authority and educator for their children.  As the primary authority and educator, and it is the parent's responsibility to maintain accountability with their student's academic progress.  Peachtree Prep teachers will provide 1 to 1.5 hours of classroom instruction (see course descriptions) each week, communicate course expectations through a course syllabus and online grade reporting.  

Parents are responsible for enrolling their child with the supervising agency of their choice: either a church related school or local public school system.  Parents are responsible for all testing and attendance/grade reporting to the agency of choice. 


Our plan

Fine Arts classes will be offered once a week, with a focus on mastery of art concepts through projects and assignments weekly.  Academic classes will provide a once a week classroom experience with four days of assignments to be completed over the course week.  Teachers will provide a course syllabus which will include the curriculum being used; classroom and academic expectations; and how grades will be determined for the class. 


Advanced Writing


Ages: 14+

Students will focus on writing skills to prepare them for college and career.  They will practice descriptive, informational, and narrative writing over the course of several essays.  Students should have a good grasp of mechanics and proper sentence structure.  

$15 additional material fee.


Algebra 1

Teacher: Canaan Bowman

Ages: 13+

This course will prepare students for more advanced mathematical studies and study algebra through historical, practical, and theoretical lenses. Algebra is an indispensable tool in learning to think well and solve problems, even in non-math settings.


Algebra 2

Teacher: Canaan Bowman

Ages: 13+

In this course, students will study more advanced algebra concepts not covered in Algebra 1 in preparation for more advanced math classes like Pre-Calculus, Calculus, and Statistics. Algebra is a bedrock for logical thought processes and problem-solving skills.


Apologetics: A Ready Defense

Teacher: Joshua Rexford

Ages: 14+

The Apostle Peter said, "...always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you...".  In a world seeking to dismantle, disprove, and deconstruct the Christian faith we must take his words to heart.  This class determines the key ideas and hot-button issues of our modern culture and helps students to develop Biblical answers so that they can be ready to boldly defend the Gospel.  

Reading list: How Do We Know the Bible is True vol. 1&2 by Ham & Hodge,  Creation Basics an Beyond by ICR, A Student's Guide to Culture by Stonestreet & Kunkle, and Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis.



Teacher: Sherri Sparkman

Ages: 13+

This course will utilize A Beta Biology curriculum (students need to purchase student textbook) and will fulfill a high school credit science requirement. 


Creative Writing: Adventure Worth Crying For

Teacher: Joshua Rexford

Ages: 13+

Dive into the craft of writing stories that people want to believe in. Veteran writer, Joshua Rexford, guides you from big picture building blocks down to the finishing details of what it takes to capture the hearts and minds of the real people who will encounter your story. Whatever your area of interest or level of experience this class has something for you.  (Materials: Notebook, pens/pencils)



Teacher: Canaan Bowman

Ages: 13+

In this course, students will advance on their knowledge of geometry concepts learned in previous math classes with emphasis on proof and geometric constructions. Students will also have practice in applying algebra in geometry problems to keep these skills well-polished.


Health & Economics


Ages 13+

This course will teach lifestyle habits that promote mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and physical health. We will also discuss how food affects your health, creating and applying personal habits, recipes and food preparation, sleep, exercise, and first aid. All teaching material will be from a holistic whole body + mind perspective. You will need to purchase LIFEPAC High School Health Worktext units 3 & 4 from Alpha Omega. The total cost for both books will be $22.00.


HIStory: The Light & the Darkness (PLC South)

Teacher: Joshua Rexford

Ages: 13+

The time from the failing end of the Western Roman Empire (5th century A.D.) to the Norman invasion of England in AD 1066 was once called the Dark Ages. But not all was dark. In this formative but tumultuous time the Europe we now know was born and more importantly the Gospel spread like wildfire among the pagans. Dive into a time of missionaries and Vikings, monks and kings, and see what God was doing through light in the darkness. (Materials: Notebook, pens/pencils, and book list coming later)


The History of the Bible (PLC South Only)

Teacher: Eric Williams

Ages: 13+

Summary: This course offers a fascinating exploration of the origins, development, and transmission of the Bible, providing students with an overview of the journey of the Bible from ancient manuscripts to its modern-day form. Students will study the composition and canonization of the Old and New Testaments, discover the rich tapestry of ancient manuscripts, delve into the world of textual criticism, and investigate the influential figures and events that shaped the Bible as we know it today.

Textbook: Know How We Got Our Bible (Ryan M. Reeves and Charles Hill)


Home Economics

Teacher: Adonna Pryor

Ages: 13+ *Girls Only 

Fall semester will focus on culinary skills, and spring will cover sewing, cleaning, and basic life skills. Much of this class will involve hands-on learning, and the $40 fee includes textbook & supplies.


Literature: How to Enjoy Stories With Your Brain Turned On!

Teacher: Joshua Rexford

Ages: 13+ 

Reading habits are a lot like eating habits and you know what they say, “You are what you read.” Whether it’s a well-worn classic or the latest best-seller the stories we read move us, teach us, and even shape us and the way we see the world. How we read is just as important as what we read. So instead of hiding from stories learn how to read, enjoy, and analyze literature from a biblical worldview. (Materials: Notebook, pens/pencils, and book list coming later)

Reading List: Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, Lee Pike Ridge by ND Wilson, On The Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, and Dracula by Bram Stoker


Personal Finance

Teacher: Tabitha Rexford 

Ages: 13+

The idea of managing your money can seem overwhelming but in reality the core principles of healthy finances are quite simple. Join financial coach Tabitha Rexford as she guides you through the basic foundations of good finance and the next steps for moving forward. 
Curriculum: Foundations in Personal Finance: Homeschool Edition - Print + Streaming ($89.99).




Teacher: Canaan Bowman

Ages: 14+

This class will study motion, forces, and different forms of energy and how those ideas relate to the physical world. 


Principles of Engineering

Teacher: Zach Henderson

Age: 13+

This class will explore the various engineering disciplines using fun, hands-on projects and games. Although we will look at the history of engineering, problem-solving methods, and some basic theory, the focus will be competitive group projects that encourage critical thinking and teamwork. Some example topics include rocketry, buoyancy, air drag, circuitry, and robotics.


Spanish I

9th-12th grades

Teacher: Rosa Aranda
This class is designed to enable students to speak, understand, read, and write basic Spanish in most everyday contexts.  This pursuit is a process that involves five levels of learning: rote memorization, learning to handle new forms and structures, teacher-directed translation, learning to speak independently, and ultimately, being able to express your personal thoughts and desires.  Each class will include the following elements to help reach these goals: conversation, pronunciation, word formation, grammar lesson, vocabulary lesson, and homework assignments.  We will be using Por todo el mundo by A Beka Book Publications as the text for this class.


Spanish II

9th-12th grades

Teacher: Rosa Aranda

Continuing upon the foundation laid in Spanish I, this class is designed to enable students to speak, understand, read, and write basic Spanish in most everyday contexts.  The semester will begin with a thorough review of Spanish I and continue with the second book of Por todo el mundo.  Learning a foreign language is a process that involves five levels of learning: rote memorization, learning to handle new forms and structures, teacher-directed translation, learning to speak independently, and ultimately, being able to express your personal thoughts and desires.  Each class will include the following elements to help reach three goals: conversation, pronunciation, word formation, grammar lesson, vocabulary lesson, and homework assignments.


Survey of the Bible (PLC South Only)

Teacher: Eric Williams

Ages: 13+

Summary: The Survey of the Bible class offers a comprehensive overview of the entire Bible, providing students with a broad understanding of its narrative, themes, and key teachings. Throughout the course, students will examine the major sections of the Bible, including the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and the New Testament, tracing the development of God's redemptive plan from creation to the early Christian church. They will explore the interconnectedness of biblical books, discover recurring themes, and uncover the rich tapestry of stories, poetry, prophecy, and teachings that comprise the Bible.

Textbooks: The New Testament in Seven Sentences: A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic (Gary M. Burge) and The Old Testament in Seven Sentences: A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic (Christopher J.H. Wright)


Survey of World Religions (PLC South Only)

Teacher: Eric Williams

Ages: 13+

Summary: The Survey of World Religions course is designed to introduce students to the major religions of the world, such as Mormonism, Atheism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and other significant belief systems. By examining other belief systems, students will gain insight into the ways in which these religions compare to Christianity and how they shape the lives and worldviews of their followers.

Textbook: Christianity, Cults & Religions: Rose Bible Basics


US History

Teacher: Adonna Pryor

Ages: 14+

A study of original documents with timelines and maps will comprehensively cover the history of the United States. Outside reading will be required. If all projects are completed, students will be eligible for 1 US History Credit and 1/2 US Lit. Credit.

$40 fee per family includes textbook and workbook. 


World Geography

Teacher Adonna Pryor

Ages: 14+

In addition to studying maps and the globe, students will read 2 novels to incorporate stories of our world. If all projects are completed, students will be eligible for 1 geography credit. 

$40 fee includes workbook and supplies. 


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