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Peachtree’s Partnership with the Congressional Award

“The Congressional Award is the United States Congress’ award for young Americans. It is non-partisan, voluntary, and non-competitive. The program is open to all 14- to 23-year-olds. Participants earn Bronze, Silver and Gold Congressional Award Certificates and Bronze, Silver and Gold Congressional Award Medals. Each level involves setting goals in four program areas; Volunteer Public Service, Personal Development, Physical Fitness, and Expedition/Exploration. Earning the Award is a fun and interesting way to get more involved in something you already enjoy or something you’d like to try for the first time. You move at your own pace – on your own or with your friends. This is not an award for past accomplishments. Instead, you are honored for achieving your own challenging goals.” (


Peachtree Learning Center is pleased to partner with young people who desire to earn the Congressional Award.  We feel we can be a great asset and source of encouragement in the following ways:

Advisor – Students select an adult advisor who will help them set challenging but achievable goals and plan activities to reach those goals.  With an advisor students will:

  • Study the program guidelines;

  • Review the Record Book;

  • Develop goal statements; and

  • Choose activities to accomplish your goals.

We have several staff member who are willing to volunteer as advisors for students pursuing the Congressional Award.


Validator – Students select a validator for each goal to:

  • Certify that you satisfactorily performed the activities; and

  • Sign your record book acknowledging that you achieved your goal in a specific program area.

If a student chooses to take a Peachtree class to help them achieve their Congressional Award goals, his/her teacher will volunteer as a validator for that goal.


Program Areas/Classes We Offer

Some of the activity ideas listed on the website coincide beautifully with classes already being offered at Peachtree:

Personal Development

Expand your horizons while developing individual interests, social and life skills. The Congressional Award challenges you to pursue a new interest or advance to another level in an ongoing interest, through Personal Development activities. (


  1. Idea:  Arts & Crafts        Class:  Mixed Media and/or Art III & IV, Oil Painting, 3D Art, Drawing, Advanced Drawing

  2. Idea:  Creative Writing  Class:  English/Composition

  3. Idea:  Dancing               Class:  Introduction to Dance and/or private lessons

  4. Idea:  Language Study   Class:  Spanish I, II

  5. Idea:  Music                  Class:  Choir, Rhythm & Mandolin, Strings Ensemble, Handbells, and/or private lessons

  6. Idea:  Sewing/Heritage Crafts   Class:  Sewing, Carving, and/or private lessons


If you choose another area of personal development, your Peachtree advisor would still be able to help you find ways to achieve your goals.


Personal Fitness

Improve your quality of life through participation in fitness activities. The Congressional Award challenges you to set and achieve a measurable goal in a physical activity. Both team sports and individual activities are acceptable as long as the activities lead to an improved performance or greater physical fitness. (


Idea:  Dancing   Class:  Introduction to Dance and/or private lessons


Students in the Congressional Award Club could also form their own athletic support groups to hold one another accountable in: bicycling, fitness walking, running, or jogging.  The Congressional Award applicant with lots of initiative could also start a Congressional Award volleyball team, bowling team, etc. to play here in the community.


If you choose another area of personal fitness, your Peachtree advisor would still be able to help you find ways to achieve your goals.


Peachtree’s Congressional Award Club

Peachtree’s Congressional Award Club meets on the first Saturday morning of every month at 10:00 a.m. allow all Congressional Award applicants to come together for fellowship, inspiration, encouragement, and accountability.  (This day and time is tentative. Club members may vote to meet a time better suited to their collective schedule.) Success is almost guaranteed when partnering in this way!

For more information about the Congressional Award, go to or contact Jennifer Ledbetter at

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